Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mural on school corruption

Hello everyone! Not to take up much of your time, but wanted to show you the great work my kids (JOMA community art group of Monapo) did this past week. We painted a mural in the school library about corruption in schools ... enjoy!

Here, we're just getting started. Strike a pose Assane (aka 20 cents)

Work in progress - me and the boys

Finshed product!

The title: "Faca a matematica" meaning "Do the math"

Problem #1: Here is a teacher that drinks before teaching (a sad common reality) ... he's shown as a 2m bottle (the beer here in Moz) in a bata (the jacket teachers wear teaching here)
that plus this scene: A student paying his teacher to get good grades (another sad reality). He's shown as 100 metecais, the money here in Moz. Also, the girl student in the corner saying that the teacher will help her with her grades also-signifying sexual realtions with the teacher(another sad reality)

equals: Mozambique spirling out of control. Students graduate with empty minds, AIDS, no value in education, teachers teaching wrong information, etc...

and here's the second scenario: A student trying to give the teacher money to raise his grades. The teacher is denying the money and telling the student the only way to get good grades is to study

Plus: a good teacher teaching students well

equals: A developed Mozambique that's dominated the HIV/AIDS epidemic, has motivated, smart students with dreams, and free of illness and corruption. The sunny future.

and the amazing artists!

Nelito and Aulate all smiles after all the hard work!
Hope you enjoyed! Love you all and stay posted for the next mural! beijinhos from across the world! -Nia